June 14, 2021
The properly noticed meeting of the Board of Directors of the Mobile Area Jewish Federation, Inc. was held in person at the Springhill Avenue Temple on June 14, 2021. The meeting was called to order by the Executive Director Cassie Morgenstern at 5:36 p.m. Also present were board members Ken Bloch, Deborah Gurt, Robert Bloom, Priscilla Gold-Darby, Gil Laden, Jonathan Fratkin (via Zoom), Saundra Grace, Josh Isen (via Zoom), Michael Cohen, Rickie Voit, Barry Silverman, Patricia Silverman, and Larry Voit. Also present were Rabbis John Kaplan and Edward Boraz.
The D’var Torah was given by Rabbi Kaplan.
The Treasurer’s Report was given by Ken Bloch, Treasurer. Please see the attached written report.
It was duly moved and seconded to approve the calendar year 2021 Budget as shown on the attachment. The motion passed.
The Treasurer reported that we hold about $30,000 which is potentially available for allocations. This is the amount which exceeds a one-year operating expense reserve.
Cassie Morgenstern reported on plans for a campaign kickoff/annual meeting event on July 22, 2021 4 to 6 p.m. at Medal of Honor Park. The plan is for a kosher hotdog dinner. Cantorial students Turia Stark and Miriam Wyman will be performing. There will be a mitzvah project. The entry fee will be canned goods to be donated to a food pantry.
Report of Allocations Committee. It was duly moved and seconded to approve the following allocations:
Gulf Coast Center for Holocaust & Human Rights Education $ 6,700
Bama Hillel 3,500
Auburn Hillel 500
Jewish Children’s Regional Service 5,000
Jewish Family Services of Mobile 8,000
USA Holocaust Studies Program 2,500
Mobile Christian-Jewish Dialogue 1,500
Subtotal: $27,700
Jewish Federations of North America 26,200
Total: $53,900
The motion passed.
There was a discussion about planning an awards dinner event.
There was further discussion about the planning for the 2022 Mobile Jewish Film Festival.
There being no further business to come before the meeting, the meeting was adjourned at 6:37 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Lawrence B. Voit
Date: June 25, 2021