October 2020


October 12, 2020 

The properly noticed meeting of the Board of Directors of the Mobile Area Jewish Federation, Inc. was called to order by President Susan Sass on October 20, 2020 at 5:30 p.m. 

Also present were board members Judy Aronson, Steve Katz, David Meola, Daryn Glassbrook, Rickie Voit, Saundra Grace, Neil Sass, Rabbi Steve Silberman, Ken Bloch, Robert Bloom, Priscilla Gold-Darby, Jeff Redisch, Michael Cohen, Steve Muhlfelder, Adena Whitman, and Kathy Lovitt, Executive Director. 

The meeting was held virtually via Zoom. Each person who attended the meeting affirmatively stated his or her consent to the electronic participation via Zoom, that he or she waived the right to require members to be physically present to count in a quorum, vote, and otherwise participate in the meeting. 

Rabbi Silberman gave the D’var Torah. 

Rabbi Silberman led a misha berach prayer for Jonathan Fratkin. 

Treasurer's Report. Treasurer Ken Bloch reported that the MAJF checking account balance is $16,369.00. The savings account balance is $135,290.00. The certificate of deposit amount is $93,490.00. We have not yet sent our JFNA distribution because the amount has not been finalized, but he expects that it will be paid within the next two weeks. Rabbi Silberman stated that he was unhappy about the delay in disbursing these funds. 

Susan Sass reported that we still do not have a successor to serve as President when her term expires. Jonathan Fratkin has indicated his willingness to remain in his position as Vice President. Ken Bloch indicated that he will continue to serve as Treasurer. 

Larry Voit reported on the recent Personnel Committee's interview with Cassie Morgenstern, who has applied for the position of Executive Director, 

There was extensive discussion of the need to identify and recruit a person to succeed Susan Sass as President. 

The President appointed as a Nominating Committee, Larry Voit, Jeff Redisch, and Neil Sass, all of whom are past Presidents, and who were charged the task of identifying and recruiting a successor President. 

Campaign. Susan Sass reported that additional solicitation assignments have been made. About one-half of our goal for this year has been met. There will be a “Super Sunday” call bank organized. 

Regarding the resolution adopted at the last board meeting concerning the death of George Floyd, it was reported that Daryn Glassbrook, Priscilla Gold-Darby, Josh Isen, and David Meola conferred 

and came to the conclusion that the statement approved by the Board does not go far enough, and they believe that the MAJF should consider adopting a new statement. They also recommended that MAJF formulate a plan of action to implement the goals of social justice as described in the aftermath of the George Floyd death. 

It was duly moved and seconded that we not release the statement on George Floyd which was previously approved at the last meeting, and that we develop a plan of action for social justice, including a new statement on the death of George Floyd. The motion passed unanimously. 

Bob Bloom gave a report on community outreach initiatives. He recommended that we get more active in promoting the PJ Library. He will be receiving materials on the PJ Library program. He expressed his concerns about food insecurity, and recommended that we work with Feeding the Gulf Coast to set up our own food pantry or join with an existing food pantry. He also suggested that we investigate getting involved in making welfare calls to people who have limited connections to the Jewish community. He also recommended that we consider a program of contacting pe following disasters such as the recent hurricanes which have impacted Gulf Coast communities. 

Susan Sass recommended that everyone consider participating in the virtual 2020 JFNA General Assembly scheduled for October 25-27, 2020. 

There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 6:50 p.m. 

Respectfully submitted, 

Lawrence B. Voit Secretary Date: 12-24-2020